The security of our privacy is the most important thing for us, that is why when it comes to social networks, we seek to be as secure as possible to avoid a possible burglary of your identity or our information.
One of the most used social networks in the world is Facebook, that is why we bring you tips or recommendations to keep your Facebook safe and against a hacker all the way.
1.-Never use the same password
One of the most common mistakes that users make on a social network is the use of the same password or that the complexity of these is kept to the minimum possible so as not to forget it.
The best way to prevent us is to have different passwords for our account and regularly change it.
If you have trouble remembering them you can also write them down on sites that only you have access to outside your computer, we recommend that you be in periods of 3 to 6 months these changes, to not to be annoyed by the frequency of the changes.
2.-Only accept people you know face to face
Hacked people often have a remarkable number of friends and followers who freely entered their profile, allowing these unscrupulous people to take their data and through apps or programs to decrypt their passwords.
Also through deception methods like contacting you as a close person or some authority to reach their goal which is that you provide them with the information they require to enter your account and hack you down.
Keeping a list of friends clean with people you know personally or have interacted before will be the key to keeping your profile free and private.
3.-Avoid letting your account open somewhere you don’t.
In your work or office avoid using social networks in situations other than your rest time, as they are unsafe networks that many people access daily, exposing to them your account as they find it open. Take control of it, and don’t let them go into your account and don’t leave your account open anyplace.
You may be cautious about not abusing this in public places as you don’t know who is watching you, this will help you to prevent people from searching for your profile and taking advantage of it.
4.-Turn on the log gin notifications.
In the security tab of Facebook, we will find several useful tools to keep our accounts safe, there we will activate the notifications that tell us when our session is logged into a device, plus we can check who or where has logged in before, you can close remotely if you see that your session is logged into a device that is not regular.
5.-Improve your privacy.
Facebook allows us to personalize our privacy as we see fit, we may place what content is or is not post, as well as information that people can access our profile. This is important because people who access Facebook will not be able to take any important data from us because our information is completely hidden, and we can also prevent unknown people from finding our profile easily.
6.-Avoid the External Links.
Another way hackers use to steal our information is through links that lead to fake news if you notice a page posting unbelievable news, immediately remove it from your follow-ups.
These pages seek to have people use your links that break your account security when you log in, allowing them to take the information they need.
The best way to prevent these links is to verify that the news portal or link is secure with an online search, you can also follow news pages which have their accounts verified by Facebook.
7.-Stop the Access that other accounts have to your account
This means that many times other applications or websites ask you to access with an account on the page or through a Facebook account, limit the latter because we can prevent our Facebook is linked to a page or application of dubious origin.
This can be done from the settings screen in the section Apps and Websites, there you can see a list of all applications and websites linked to your account and so you can remove those that we do not use or do not remember having linked.
8.-Turn on the HTTPS
The HTTPS limits personal information by handling it through encryption and thus will be perfectly hidden, this is a key point for the security of our account and our information. The HTTPS is used to access most websites in the world, however, it is very unsafe when using services such as banks or social networks, that’s why activating this configuration gives a plus to the security of all your data.
9.-Set up a safe Log In.
This is the best way of prevention of all, since, Facebook began to send us codes through our phone or email, with which we can log in more securely and prevent anyone from entering the only with our data so we block hackers permanently.
Finally; we must be careful when surfing the Internet and more when we jump from page to page, it is important that even when we think we are safe from hackers or malicious programs, we cover our backs at all times and places no matter what happens.
By following these steps you will avoid having a bad time if you find that your account denies you access, if you notice strange movements in your account that you do not remember doing, it is time to change your password and start cleaning your Facebook from anything you notice suspicious or out of place.
Facebook is one of the most proliferous websites to be hacked.
Henceforth, you may try to have better security for your account by taking advice from those tips.
It is time to have an excellent and safe experience on Facebook.